Frazer Hunter of Knoydart holding a large wheel of cheese in the cheese aging room

Knoydart Cheese

Since 2009, Knoydart Farm has been making delicious cheeses with fresh milk from our grass-fed free-roaming herd of Jersey, Short Horn, Brown Swiss and Holstein cows. The fields, right in front of the Northumberland Strait, are blessed with different flavours and saltiness from their unique location.

Our happy grazing cows transfer this special ‘terroir’ taste to the milk which is then used immediately to make unique, outstanding cheddar-type cheeses from Nova Scotia.

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Knoydart Milk

If you are a fan of whole milk, ours is packed full of rich nutrients and a truly delicious taste you just won't find in regular store bought milk.

Just like our cheese, our happy grazing cows transfer the unique flavours and saltiness from our fields on the Northumberland Strait to the taste of our milk and cheese products.

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History Of Knoydart

Knoydart Farm is a grass fed dairy farm, belonging to Angela, Frazer, Adam and Rena Hunter and overlooks the ruggedly beautiful coastline of the Northumberland Strait, near Merigomish in Nova Scotia, Canada In 1998 Angela and Frazer decided to take the plunge and bought the dairy farm in Knoydart,  halfway between New Glasgow and Antigonish and added the cheese-making facility in 2009.

Grass Fed cheese curds and cheddar cheeses in a variety of flavours are all produced here, on the farm.​ Fresh grass Fed milk and cream started being produced, on a small scale, in 2021, sold at the farm, a few select stores and local Farmers Markets. In February 2022 a new home delivery service started in two test markets, New Glasgow and Antigonish. It may be extended to other markets if the test is successful. Cheeses are available at many supermarkets and specialty stores, local Farmers Market in the Maritimes as well as at our Cheese House next to our farm.

  • Frazer Hunter making cheese curds in the cheese production room of Knoydart

Our Philosophy

"It was just the three of us - my wife, my son and myself - now with daughter in-law and grandchildren. We keep things simple. We control our own destiny, and every day is just amazing!"

― Frazer Hunter, Owner